Enabling rural churches in Gods mission

Rural Mission Solutions is a Christian charity that specialises in serving rural churches throughout the UK, providing encouragement and support to enable them to engage with their local communities to express God's love and share the good news. We have a wealth of experience to ensure that strategies are  culturally relevant, appropriate and effective. 

Our Dream

Our 'dream' is to see visible, vibrant, credible and caring Christian communities in every village.  This might well be the local village church, or an informal group of Christians drawn from the local churches.  They will be people engaged with and in their local village, and with a heart to serve the wider  community, rather than self-interest.  Their mission will be to show God's love for all and to share the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ.

We support churches through:

Tailor-Made Consultations

The most sustainable strategies are those designed by the local church for themselves. 

We offer  a gentle process that can be delivered in an Away-Day or a series of online coaching leading to bespoke programmes that fit and suit each church.


Rural ministry can sometimes feel isolated, so it is always best to get together with others.

We host regular Online Mission Forums, as well as Local networking offering encouragement and the opportunity to share experiences and learn from one another.


We want you to have all that you need in order to do all that God has called you into.

We have a library of resources, suggestions of great things from some of our friends, video training and session ideas, as well as a podcast sharing highlights of rural mission.

Upcoming Events:

Online Mission Forum

Rural Missions Solutions hosts regular Online Mission Forums for Rural and Village churches to discuss key issues affecting the Rural Church.

The objective of our Forums is sharing insights, knowledge and experience, thereby encouraging and supporting rural churches in their mission. This is a great way to network, engage and share with others in similar positions.

Fundraiser Evening

The evening will consist of Mark’s Gospel presented as a high-octane eye-witness account. Memorised from scripture, word for word, and told with urgency, excitement, and good old northern grit, this is a compelling ninety-minute rollercoaster of a ride through the speediest of gospels! There will also be a short presentation about the work of Rural Mission Solutions. Plus coffee and cake! Tickets are £5